
Implanting Trust Smile Again! Implanting Trust Smile Again!btk dental

Our corporate style and BTK cutting-edge technologies, which are exclusively powered by clean energy, are the source of our devices that are 100% biocompatible with your patients’ bone structure. The energy generated by a smile is what leads and motivates us: working with a smile, for a smile, is something that comes from deep within, that arises from our dna.

Akay Dental

2000 yılında kurulmuş olan Akay Dental Diş Malzemeleri Medikal İth. İhr. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. 24 yıldır Türkiye'ye diş hekimliği malzemeleri konusunda hizmet vermektedir.

Implant Dental

Diş kaybı olan bölgelerdeki çene kemiğine cerrahi olarak yerleştirilen titanyum implantlarla gülümsemenize yeniden kavuşun.

Gülüş Tasarımı

İleri görüntüleme teknolojilerinin kullanıldığı 3 boyutlu gülüş tasarımı yöntemlerimizle yüzünüze en çok yakışacak gülüşü keşfedin.

Teeth Improving the Quality of Life

Integration Sweden AB Integration Sweden ABIntegration Sweden AB

Our teeth are an important part of our personality charm, giving us both quality of life and self-confidence. This means we can enjoy our food, speak clearly without any problem and cope with whatever situation life throws at us – but teeth also give us that little bit of extra energy and enjoyment.

Business Growth

Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.

Business Sustainability

Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.

Business Performance

Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.

Business Organization

Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.

Dedicated Teams

Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.

24X7 support

Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.

Unique Thread Run-out Design Brånemark Integration AB